Getting Started


 Hi There! My name is Mark, Maya's (from husband.

Since Quebec's laws are slightly different than Canada's other provinces, not all coupons and contests are available here (or the rules are slightly modified for here). We verify everything that we post to assure that they are valid to Quebecers.

We hope you enjoy our Best deals of the Week page! We verify the flyers and match the best possible prices with and without coupons to make the task easier for you!


It starts here!

It is VERY possible to save money with coupons without having to dedicate so much of your
time! All it takes is a little research and knowing how to apply your coupons with existing
specials on the same products.

In this blog, you will find the best sites to get your coupons (either postal or printed) and where
to find the best sales to use them.

To help you get started, we have created a Couponing guide which will provide the essential
steps to save a lot of money!

we've also added a Terminology Guide to help you understand some of the terminology often used in the coupon world!

Happy couponing!

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